From the three given urban situations, the Stuttgart team chose the addition of one or more extra storeys to an existing building, including the renovation of the entire building. This is a great opportunity for the proposal of new design ideas and the creation of alternative living spaces, thus sustainably increasing urban density. The addition of storeys is often found in residential and office buildings. In urban areas, warehouses and old factory buildings are also being extended more and more frequently.
The location for this urban challenge was shifted from Wuppertal to the team’s home town Stuttgart. Because of the lack of sufficient airflow in the city center due to the local topography, Stuttgart is urgently called upon to react on the impact of global warming. In addition, the lack of housing and the associated high rents are a major problem for Stuttgart residents.
The existing university building “Bau 5” on the downtown campus is both subject to renovation and platform for the addition of storey. By adding another storey to create student housing, the project aims to transform the campus into a lively urban quarter and neighbourhood and provide new and affordable housing within a comprehensive concept.
Architecture for community
Until now, the use of Building 5 has been limited to research and teaching. The goal is to design a house full of innovation, a place to exchange and, last but not least, a place for social interaction.
sustainability in the life cycle
In our planning, we place great emphasis on energy efficiency. This includes not only the energy expended during the use of the building, but also the energy used during construction and deconstruction.
implementation on a grand scale
To ensure that the concept is not only future-proof and innovative, but can also survive on the market, a transferable solution is being sought. Parameterization and design play an important role here.