With the announcement of the competition in March 2019, a team of students and professors from different disciplines decided that the University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart (HFT Stuttgart) will apply for participation in the “Solar Decathlon Europe 2021»22 goes urban!”. Our self-organized student team submitted the application with professoral support in October 2019. As a Christmas present, we were informed that our application was successful and the HFT Stuttgart was selected as one of the 18 competing teams.
At the University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart, interdisciplinary cooperation in the form of integrated projects has a long tradition. In 2010, the HFT Stuttgart successfully participated in the Solar Decathlon Europe and won 3rd place out of a total of 16 teams in the Madrid competition. Thus, rector Prof. Rainer Franke was pleased about the renewed participation of an HFT team: »Innovations in the field of sustainable urban development are on of our major concerns in teaching and research. By uniting all disciplines under one roof, we are striving to develop sustainable solutions for the cities of tomorrow«.
» Not only to design on paper and screen, but putting things into practice is a great opportunity in a student project. «
Lukas Fischer, Student Team Leader
The HFT Stuttgart has been training students since 1832, and the original winter school for craftsmen has long since become a modern University of Applied Sciences. Three faculties are offering 32 Bachelor and Master degree courses. The university is characterised by inter-faculty projects and contacts to numerous companies in Stuttgart and the region as an attractive business location. It is regarded as one of the strongest research Universities of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg. Fields of study are architecture, civil engineering, building physics, computer science, interior design, mathematics, geomatics and business management. The practice-oriented education is characterized by supervision in small learning and semester units and the professional experience of all professors – according to its motto: »We turn knowledge into skill and people into personalities.«
Students Team
Jeremias Bayer MA Building Physics
Michael Walter MA Architecture
Yannik Heyd-Hansen MA International Project Management
Professors & Lecturers
Official/ Mentoring
© Natascha Mayer, Hoffmann Fotografie
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Baumann Environmental Protection
Prof. Dr. Andreas Beck Daylight Planning & Heat Requirement
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bäumer Economic Psychology
Prof. Markus Binder Building Physics & Architecture
Prof. Dr. Volker Coors Scientific Director of IAF
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Falko Dieringer Structural Analysis & Building Dynamics
Prof. Lutz Dickmann Engineering & Construction
Prof. Dr. Georg Hauer Profitability Calculation
Prof. Dr. Uli Jakob Renewable Energy & Engineering
Prof. Christine Kappei Project Management
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Siri Kraus Construction Management
Prof. Dr. Andrea Lochmahr Environmentally Oriented Logistics
Prof. Andreas Löffler Sustainable Architecture
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Mollenkopf Renewable Energy & Building Physics Prof. Dr. Claus Nesensohn Civil Engineering
Prof. Dr. Tobias Popovic Corporate & Sustainable Finance
Prof. Ralf Petersen Building Design & Construction
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Uckelmann Information Logistics
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Waggershauser Renovation
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Zeitler Acoustics
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© Florian Hammerich